February Goals Recap
February 28, 2018
Last month I reviewed my 2018 goals and what I had accomplished so far. Now it's the end of February and I'm here to do it again.
My February goals were:
-Lose 8 pounds
-Meditate 5-10 minutes every day
-8 Push ups a day
-Work on my script 2x a week
-Add strength work to my routine
-Flossing 5 days a week
So how did I do?
I lost 3 pounds. Not as much as I planned, but I lost 3 pounds, that's in the right direction. That makes 11 total for 2018. And with all the new habits I'm building, I'm feeling good moving into March and beyond. I'm still only drinking one day per week. (A trip to Las Vegas not withstanding in February...there was a bit more drinking there!) And not snacking after dinner. This one is huge for me. And I've done REALLY WELL on that new habit. Snacking and drinking wine after dinner are about comfort and imagined "I've earned this" baloney. I've had two months to build these habits and they will be put to the test in March and beyond as I started a new job this week. Stress for me leads to comfort eating and now I'll find new ways to relieve stress. Like....
Meditation. I started with 6 minutes a day (more than 5, less than 10!) and have upped it to 7 minutes a week or so ago. I missed 2 days this month, so I'm proud of myself for that commitment. I enjoy it and feel like it might already be helping me to just be calmer in my mind when things are busy and nutty and stressful. There is definitely a pause in certain situations where I do a "huh, that's a thought" and observe it, then decide what to say or do next. All that instead of just reacting quickly. I'm not saying it happens every time, but it seems to be making an impression. I'm doing Mindfulness mediation and it's challenging to my little rabbit brain. And again, with this new job and new stress, I need to commit even more to being still for 7 minutes a day. I have a plan to do 1 minute of meditation instead of snacking at work. We'll see how that goes!
I exchanged push ups for planks. I do 1:15 worth of planks 6 days a week. I find if I rest a day, I'm better at it the next day. The push ups were not getting better as I wasn't doing much of other exercises to increase my upper body strength and I was frustrated with my lame push ups. Perhaps I'll return to them in April.
Have not worked on my script. Fear.
Have not added a regular strength set to my daily/weekly routine. I need to put it in my daily journal as a thing to check off. (Checking things off on a page is R E A L L Y satisfying for me!)
Flossing has been continuing apace. Well done me.
Goals for March:
-Lose 8 pounds
-Meditate 5-10 minutes per day
-Plank 1:15 or more per day (Along with the regular walking/stair steps)
-Work on creative writing 2x per week
-Schedule the stretchy bands work outs into my weekly routine
-Keep flossing 5x per week!
I'll be back with updates around Easter....!