The Corona Diaries Week 47 - Drifting
February 17, 2021
Still drifting.
It's Wednesday and I've barely been able to get up the enthusiasm to write this blog post.
I was thinking of The Long Winter in the Little House series. They are trapped in their house with no food or trains or supplies. Day after day as the blizzards came and went, they ground wheat in the coffee grinder to make bread. That was literally all they had to eat for months. I know, we are not starving and it's not even cold. But the image of the daily grinding grinding grinding is feeling familiar to me. Along with the monotony of the weather here. Look. If I have to be stuck in my house every damn day, it could at least be raining. But no. (And I am not trying to be insensitive to all the people in Texas, etc, who are literally freezing without power and heat right at this moment. That is brutal and it's going to be a tough recovery.) I'm just going a bit f*cking crazy with the sameness day in and day out.
So here we go.
Harper attended a zoom birthday party on Super Bowl Sunday afternoon for her friend Violet. First there was the birthday girl stopping by to drop off the party things (and pick up her gift).
The bag held cupcakes in these cute boxes.
As well as decorating items - toppings, sprinkles and frosting made ready in a piping bag.
Then the virtual party and decorating.
The birthday girl's dad is a professional photographer so he put this together of Violet dropping off party supplies for all the guests. I feel like it is such a succinct image artifact for this pandemic era. (click for bigger if you want.)
Later that day was the Super Bowl, which I barely took notice of. But! I made a pot of chili and some cornbread.
We did a grid. Harper and Willoughby were the big winners.
In the middle of all Our kind neighbor with an incredible veggie garden stopped by with this handful of greens. It was so pretty I just stuck it in a vase for a day or two, then got around to chopping some up for a salad lunch.
Later in the week I tried making this recipe. I only had frozen tuna, but what the hey. I had finally gotten a hold of miso paste so I was ready.
It didn't cut well and frankly ended up looking like cat food. (Tasted fine.)
Willoughby was fine with it. I was just annoyed.
Mid week monochromatic lunch for Harper. Healthy, but one simple color palate.
Cats are nice.
Did I include this in my last post? Probably. But I still love it and want to frame it.
Took the girl out for a trash collection walk one morning.
We found LOTS of caterpillars in our garden.
Last year I signed up for the NIH (national institutes for health) study about covid. It's all totally anonymous and so I don't know what they do with or discover about my blood. But I sent in a blood sample last year and there was a follow up sampling last week. They send you about 4 times the amount of supplies that you will actually need.
Also got a mobile knife sharpening guy to come over to sharpen our knives along with scissors and our swiss army knife. Can't wait to pack that little knife on our next trip to Europe. Swiss Army knives will always make me think of Europe.
Tom dropped by with some treats - including three "Goose" the cat mini figs for Harper. We watched Captain Marvel again that night for fun. We've also been watching WandaVision which is crazy and good and there are three episodes left and we are waiting with bated breath!
Are class last week was about making Valentine cards.
Harper also wrote cards for Grace and Gammo with sweet images of HUGS.
Clay class was also Valentine Themed.
Last Saturday I forced everyone out of the house again for a walk in nature. It's kind of like pulling teeth, honestly. But I'll keep doing it. We went to Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. It was pretty busy/full, but luckily it's a LARGE park.
Harper said she LOVED the windy spot the best. And there were many birds of prey to watch swooping and floating.
Then there were birds to feed and chase.
Then it was Valentine's Day. We all gave each other chocolates and cards.
Did my best/worst heart-shaped pancakes for brunch.
Then swedish meatballs and mushy peas for dinner. Random.
On Monday - a holiday - I did a big tidy up of my clothes. Pulled all the clothes out...
Then sorted them into "give away" and still to deal with.
It felt good to do I guess.
And now it's another week. Grind grind grind.