
Instant Images

Oh the joys of the instant picture. Not the digital image on your phone, but the physical image you can hold in your hand. We bought Harper an Instax camera for this trip and she carries it when we go out and about. I let her take one roll a day (10 pics) and never tell her what to shoot. Here are two of my favorites:

(I ask her what she wants to call them, then note it on each pic.)


(as she was taking it)




This is one of my all time favorite pictures. 


Mother’s Day Portraits in Honor of Help a Mother Out

Hi friends - a charity that I support and volunteer for is having a fundrasier in honor of Mother's Day. Get your family portrait done and support a great cause at the same time. If you donate and come to the sessions, I'll greet you there and make you smile for the camera!

Los Angeles photographer and owner of Litetrap Studios, Michael Murphree, has offered Mother’s Day-themed mini sessions as a priceless gift for the moms in your life with all proceeds going to support Help a Mother Out’s efforts in Los Angeles. (Incredibly generous!)

Portrait by Michael Murphree

For a donation of $100, up to 20 mothers and their children will receive a 15-minute portrait session on Sunday, May 17, two 5 x 7 prints, and a custom Facebook timeline photo.

Michael Murphree has 20 years of experience as a commercial and celebrity photographer, starting his career as apprentice to world-famous photographer Annie Leibovitz. It was when Michael had his own family that he fell in love with photographing his wife and twin babies. This led to the creation of Litetrap Studios, where Michael takes joy in capturing the special moments in other families’ lives with the goal of creating cherished heirlooms that pass on through generations.

The mini-sessions are available to up to 20 mothers and their children, and children of any age. Want a priceless memory of you with your own mother? This is a wonderful opportunity to have a true artist create a portrait of you, and help another mother out at the same time.

Studio space is generously provided by Books and Cookies, a bookstore and play space in Santa Monica.

To reserve your sitting appointment or to arrange for one as a gift to that special mom in your life for Mother’s Day, make your donation here. (If you are not available to come to a session, you can still make a donation to this great cause.)

Mother’s Day Mini-Sessions with Michael Murphree
May 17, 2015
Books and Cookies
2309 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
To purchase, click here
For more information please contact me or Kim Tracy Prince at [email protected]

366/2012: Day 366!!! Holy Crap I Made It!

When I started this project "366/2012" (which if you haven't figured it out yet is a photo-a-day during 2012 = 366 photos because it's a leap year...) I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep it going. But I did. I did miss a few days here and there, but hey, not bad for having a newborn in the house, then a full time job and newborn! Couldn't have done it without Kurt's photos from time to time as well.

Tonight's photo is this:


Harper was asleep and we toasted our first full year of parenthood. Hooray for us, we made it this far!

Let's look back on the sweet Bubela Boo: here is Day 1 of the project, January 1, 2012:


Oooooohhhh, she was only 3 weeks old and so little! Darling girl.

Time didn't fly for the first three months, though I will be honest and say we got a sleeper and we appreciate it every. single. day. But what a great year of parenthood.

Big thanks to Elise for suggesting the project, it's been a great time! Of course I'll be posting pics of Harper along the way in the coming year, but less often of course. Stay tuned!

Can't wait for Lucky '13!



366/2012: Day 211 Zermatt

Okay, so yesterday neither Kurt nor I took a photo. However, I had a few minutes break at work and for some reason was looking up info on Zermatt. In 1992 I was traveling and met up with old family friends who were in Zermatt to climb the Matterhorn. I joined them on a day hike to Hornli Hut which is base camp for those climbing all the way. From Zermatt center you take 2 funiculars to the base of the hike and then it's about a 3 hour walk up to the Hut. There you sit outside and have lunch (sausages I think) then walk back down. The day we went it looked something like this:


So while I did not take this picture (but these awesome people did), I'm calling it the picture of the day because I was having such a nice time remembering the hike and the lovely view of the mountains and especially the Matterhorn, I wanted to share.