My friend Ron has a GREAT blog post about how he recently itemized his book collection. Please go to his post and read all about how he figured out a fast and cheap way to make a list of the 2000 books he has. It's totally BookGeek-Tastic!
And to catch up on what I've been reading....not much, just caught up on a few magazines, mostly New Yorkers and Time. Though I have to say I did a great disservice to my New Yorkers and barely skimmed most of the four or five I had sitting there. Plowing through an article by Seymour Hirsch on how the Bush Administration is making plans against Iran is just not what I need right now. Too much information for my poor shriveled brain.
What am I in the mood for? A book about boobs. A book called "Stacked" by Susan Seligson to be exact.
I'm half way through it and it is fascinating as I can RELATE! I am trying to finish it before I leave for my new job in London, but I don't know if I'm going to make it and I don't want to take a hardcover book with me that I'm almost done with. Maybe I'll just stay up later tonight and read read read.
I really loved AJ Jacobs "The Know It All." Buckley left me a link to AJ Jacobs speaking at the EG conference, part of TED, and I highly recommend watching it, AJ is quite fun and quite frankly an inspiration to me, as is Peter Sagal.
What books will I take with me? Hmmm, I'll be gone for a long time so I don't need to take many with me (they have bookstores with many books in English there!). I will take "Me of Little Faith" by Lewis Black.
I like him on the Daily Show (it might have something to do with his intro music being "Back in Black" by AC/DC...) and I heard him on NPR's Talk of The Nation a little while back and enjoyed his sincere take on faith and religion.
I might take Stephen King's Cell (in paperback) but I'm not sure. I might just take the 6 other magazines I have sitting around (Oprah, Budget Travel, Body and Soul) and just read them. When I'm on location for work, it's long hours and so I know while settling into a routine, I won't have an easy time settling into a book. We'll see...